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Voodoo Amps® Trouble Shooting & Info Page








  • Includes Ampeg, Fender & Marshall




    Unraveling the mystery from a players point of view
    • Matching & mismatching impedance's
    • What's safe & what's not safe
    • How it effects your tone



    • JCM2000 DSL / TSL Series - Includes Trouble Shooting, addressing thermal run away, problems biasing & how to properly bias



    More into coming soon! 


    Consulation services. For info & pricing please call 607-256-0465 Mon-Fri from 9am-5pm EST (NY time).

    Please note - Voodoo Amps does not provide free tech support via phone or email.



     Voodoo Amps Copyright/Disclaimer

    Copyright Notice All materials on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published without the prior written permission of Voodoo Amplification Inc. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice.

    All documents and information contained within Voodoo Amps website and its subdirectories (the "Voodoo Amps WWW Site") are the property of Voodoo Amplification Inc., whether or not a copyright notice appears on the screen displaying this information. Users of the Voodoo Amps WWW Site may save and use information contained therein only for personal use. No other use, including but not limited to reproduction, retransmission, or editing, of Voodoo Amps WWW Site information may be made without prior written permission of Voodoo Amplification Inc., which may be requested by contacting Voodoo Amplification Inc.

    Disclaimer  All information given herein is for educational purposes only. There is no warranty, implied or otherwise, as to the correctness, suitability, or merchantability of the information for any purpose.

    Warning  Any and all changes made to electronic equipment must be done by qualified professional service personal. Even an unplugged amplifier contains High Voltages that are easily lethal even to the experienced electronic engineer. Do not remove the cover or chassis from your amplifier without professional assistance.


Copyright 2016 by Voodoo Amps