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Voodoo Tube Amp Mods

Update 07-27-2022 - We have suspended Modifications to the pubic for the time being to focus on our product line and endorsers. Thank you, Voodoo Amps


Search by;

Marshall, Vox, Mesa Fender, etc

 Mod Names
  HG-Jose, Classic, etc

 Signature Series Mods
Joe Perry, Richard Fortus, Steve Senes, etc

 Search By Player
Billy Gibbons, Mark Tremonti, Joe Perry, etc

 Discontinued Mods
Mods that are no longer available



"Get inspired - Upgrade your tone now!"


  "We have designed countless Mods since 1998. If you do not see your amp listed please contact us!"



Copyright 2016 by Voodoo Amps