Voodoo Amps® Discontinued JCM900 Series Mods & Upgrades
Discontinued - We no longer modify these amplifiers. Various factory issues have proven time consuming to resolve/repair. To date we have absorbed a great deal of time/cost associated with repair(s) of these models, however we can no longer continue to do so & nor do we wish to charge customers for costly repairs. Please note; our Mods do not cause/contribute to noted factory issues. All warranties for Voodoo Mods still apply.
Sorry no exceptions - Any and all units shipped in after 01-09-12 will be returned at sender's expense.
We recommend the Marshall JVM205 / JVM210. By comparison the JVM205/210 is more reliable, parts are readily available and we have several professional musicians touring/using these.

"Get inspired - Upgrade your tone now!"