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Voodoo Amps® Interrupt FX-Loop Upgrade  



Description / Specs:

  • Series FX-Loop
  • Added 1/4" Send & Return jacks
  • No circuitry added
  • 100% Hand Wired
  • Transparent tone
  • Noise free operation
  • For use with effect pedals & rack mounted units
  • Perfect for delays, pitch shifting, modulation based effects & so much more!
  • FX-Loop is only in the signal path when cables are connected to the FX-Loop
  • FX Send Jack can be used as a preamp line out
  • FX Return Jack can be used as a power amp input (IE: use your amp as a power amp!)
  • To upgrade to this control feature please add to "notes section" of Mod-Form 
  • Want more versatility? Upgrade to a Tube Buffered FX-Loop
  • Voodoo Mods™ retain your amps resale value verses decreasing it
  • Pricing varies depending on make & model of amp

Installation Notes:

  • Added 1/4" Send and Return jacks
  • Installation of Send & Return jacks may or may not require drilling
  • Location of Send & Return jacks is dependent on amp make / model - Email with questions 
  • Note sure if this can be added to your amp? - Email with questions



"Get inspired - upgrade your tone now!" 

 Voodoo Amps® is the Leader in Tube Amp Mods & Upgrades

Pricing, features & specifications subject to change without notice




"We have countless Mods & features available & will be adding to the site daily!"


Customer Feedback  "The effects loop sounds and works exactly the way an effects loop should. There is no noise and the loop is totally transparent to the overall tone of the amp." - Jason Rowland, Harmony Central Reviews

Customer Feedback  "I had a HG-Jose Mod performed on a reissue 50 watt plexi that has a solid state fx-loop. I had Voodoo put in their Inturrpt FX-Loop and it sounds tend times better than the stock solid state loop." Jarad Foster, CA

Customer Feedback  "The loop kills! I was running the delay in front of my JCM800 2204 and it was never right, same with the chorus. Now the delays and chorus sound like they do on CD. They are far more controllable and sound more pro." - Ben Johnson, OH

Customer Feedback  "The amp is a Marshall 2203 single channel and I wanted the loop so I could insert a clean boost pedal to boost the volume of my solos. Works like a charm, yeh!!!" - Craig Tucker, TX


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