A quick pic of Mike Piera of ‘Analog Man’ Effect Pedals & I - My travels recently took me to CT where I was fortunate enough to be invited to visit Analog Man’s facility. Mike & I got started in the business around the same. We have run in the same circles but this was the first time we were able to meet in person.
Aside from seeing all the great products Mike has designed he also an amazing collection of vintage pedals & amps. If you are a tone geek & fortunate enough to get a tour make sure you check them out.
Mike, it was great to meet a fellow tone hound & talk tone. There’s not many I get to talk with on that level & it was a blast! A big thanks to you & your staff for the amazing hospitality! - Trace Davis, Founder / President Voodoo Amps.
#analogman #mikepiera #voodooamps #tracedavis
