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Entries for October 2016

Suspending Modifications – Demand for Voodoo Amps Production Models is increasing & the demand on my time has never been greater. As such the time has come to focus my time & energies on our new Voodoo Production Line of amplifiers & speaker cabs. As of Oct 1st 2016 we are suspending Modifications to the public for the time being. Over the course of the next few months all current in-house orders for Mods & Hand-Wired builds will be completed. Mod Warranties are still 100% valid. Warranty claims will go through our good friend & all around amazing amp tech Mr Lane Sparber who also resides in Upstate NY.

I sincerely believe we have designed the highest quality production model tube amplifiers available on the market today while at the same time ensuring the amps are incredibly easy to service & maintain. Our new Single Channel Production models start at $3,499.00 & are selectable between 50 & 100 watts all in one amp with the new multi channel models due to be released shortly!

On a personal note, I founded the company in 1998 out of a spare bedroom of an apartment with the modest goal of bringing Pro Tone to the public. Over the years we have pushed the envelope on the Modification Business & I am so very proud of the work we have done. We’ve established amazing relationships & in many cases forged life long friendships with so many of you that there simply aren’t words for how truly grateful I am for that.

I’m extremely excited for this next chapter & please stay tuned as we have so many great things coming up that we will be announcing soon! Most importantly & with extreme gratitude I want to say THANK YOU for your continued support! It means everything to me & more! – Trace Davis, President / Founder of Voodoo Amplification Inc

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