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Entries for November 2018


Trace Davis Interview! - "This is the 1st audio interview I've done in several years & we covered a great deal including how I got started, life on the road, my design philosophies, amps, life & so much more." The interview is approximately 1.5 hours long so grab a coffee or beverage of choice & let us know what you think! Special thanks to Larry Milburn of Roadie Free Radio!

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#tracedavis #tracedavisinterview #voodooamps #voodoomods [more]
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Regarding Joe Perry – Many are asking & wondering about Joe’s recent hospitalization while guesting with Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden. Joe has been reported to be responsive & we would kindly ask that you please join us in sending continued prayers & positive energy to Joe & his family at this time. Thank you, Trace Davis, President / Founder


 #joeperry #aerosmith #voodooamps #tracedavis

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