"What's New At Voodoo?" New Mods, Product updates, Artist news and specials can be found here! Check back for daily, weekly and monthly specials!
Voodoo's New Facility! - May 13, 2013 - We are proud to announce we have relocated to 12 Verizon Lane, Lansing NY 14882. Our new & larger 5,500 square foot facility offers improved functionality, is more affordable & will help us to better meet your needs! We sincerely thank you for your continued support & look forward to serving your needs for many years to come” - Trace Davis, President / Founder
Boston Bombings - April 16, 2013 - “Our hearts go out to all those effected by this tragic event. We pray for a speed & full recovery for those who were injured. Please join us in giving thanks the emergency workers & the brave souls who risked their lives disabling the additional bombs. Their actions no doubt saved the lives of many innocent men, women & children – We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” - Trace Davis, President / Founder
Tommy Shaw of Styx - Feb 14th, 2013 - We are pleased to welcome Tommy Shaw to the Voodoo Family as a Modification Endorsee! See Tommy on tour with his Modded Marshall TSL-100's!
Voodoo Amps Private Booth & Showing Jan 25 & 26 Anaheim CA - Join us from 10am - 6pm both days! Everything is for sale, see you there! Click for more info
Voodoo Amps Exhibiting @ LA Amp & Guitar Show Oct 6 & 7 - We are debuting our new ODS-60 amp head & 1x12 Isco-Cab! Everything is for sale, see you there! Click for more info
March 29th, 2012 - Sneak-preview of our latest offering, the "ODS-60" ($2195) 60watt 1-channel amplifier. Comes with Tube Fx-Loop, 100% hand-wired goodness with your choice of 6L6's or EL34's. Got questions - Email us! No effects, plug-ins or pedals were used & this recording features 6L6 power tubes. Guitar playing courtesy of Mike Parker.
New Mods!
- SENES MOD - A new Mod for the Marshall JCM2000 Series DSL50 & DSL100 models! Designed for Voodoo Endorsee & Guitar Player Live 2009 Winner Steve Senes. Steve had the Rock Mod but was looking for more gain and a smoother/easier to play feel. Steve is versed in several different styles from Funk, Blues, Rock, Metal and Shred. Watch Steve's 10 minute walk-through video demo as he maneuvers through various styles of playing demonstrating all the available tones Senes-Mod offers! Feb 20, 2012

- KRANK REV JR PRO MOD - We are pleased to announce a new Standard Mod for this highly affordable lunch-box series amp! We have taken the gain channel to new levels of versatility with our new "Crunch / Lead" mode switch! You can covers Bluesy/Classic Rock tones as well as Hard Rock / Metal tonesl! For at-home players we have also made it possible to install 6V6's to lower the volume even more! Feb 20, 2012

Artist News
- MARK TREMONTI Creed / Alterbridge - We are extremely proud to welcome Mark Tremonti to the Voodoo Family! Mark Tremonti, best known for his highly influential work with both Creed & Alter Bridge. Mark has been touring with our V-Rock DL100 since August of 2010. Mark is touring with Alter Bridge in Australia from February 25th - March 5th. Mark's V-Rock DL100 is equipped with EL34 power tubes and 12AX7 preamp tubes. Get your V-Rock Dual Lead now! 607-256-0465 Feb 20, 2012
- JASON HOOK Five Finger Death Punch - Jason is one of the tastiest metal players to hit the scene in recent years! He has been putting the finishing touches on his long awaited 2nd solo album. Jason's weapon of choice was a Platinum Voodoo Modded Marshall 1959-SLP, which is also featured on 5FDP's latest studio release "American Capitalist". We stripped/gutted the Marshall and installed the Custom Designed "Hook-Mod". With Jason's blessing we are offering the new Signature Series "Hook Mod" to you! Details coming soon so stay tuned! Jason tours with Platinum Modded Marshall JMP-1 Preamps & Power amps. Feb 20, 2012

New Video / Sound Clips
- VIDEO CLIPS - We are adding and revamping our video/sound clips to make it easier for you to access! It is our goal to make our site as easy as possible for you to navigate on. Please stay tuned!
- 5150 / 6505 SERIES VIDEOS! - New Video Page! Speaking of revamping our videos, check out our new video page dedicated to the 5150 / 6505 Series Mods! We have several videos made by Voodoo Customer Matt Davis from West Virginia. Thanks Matt!
- WANT TO BE FEATURED ON OUR WEBSITE? - Email your submissions now! You can submit sound and/or video clips. Clips must contain a Voodoo Amp or a Voodoo Modified Amp. If your submission is chosen you will be featured on our website and Facebook pages. You will also win a free prize and be eligable for special discounts on a Voodoo Amp, tubes Mods and more! Enter now to win!

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"Get inspired - upgrade your tone now!"
Voodoo Amps® is the Leader in Tube Amp Mods & Upgrades
Pricing, features & specifications subject to change without notice