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Frank Hannon of Tesla! – Back in September of 2018 we designed a Signature Series Platinum Modification for the amazingly talented Frank Hannon. I met with Frank while he was on tour with Tesla & we hung out for a bit. We talked guitars & looked inside a few guitars, talked amps, pedals & more. I was able to watch his hands up close as he played back stage, which tells me volumes about how a player wants an amp to feel as well as respond.

I took a Marshall JCM900 100 watt, model 4100 back with me to the shop. I set about designing a Custom Modification for Frank’s playing style & installed the Mod into the amp. I then drew up specs for a set of Custom Transformers to work hand-in-hand with the circuitry Mods & sent the specs to Mercury Magnetics. The result is a Frank Hannon Platinum Modification that sounds & feels amazing to play on! 

Frank has been gigging with this amp ever since he received it. If you haven not had the pleasure of seeing Tesla live I would highly recommend it as they are truly amazing! Frank Hannon & Dave Rude are among the top guitar duos out there and it’s been a honor to work them.

Special thanks to Frank Hannon, Ernie Hudson & the entire Tesla crew for their hospitality & incredibly good times on the road! Feel free to share as you like & do a kindness for someone along the way today – Trace Davis, President / Founder Voodoo Amplification

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