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Join us at Summer Namm in person or watch online! – We are exhibiting at the Summer Namm Tradeshow in Nashville June 23-25! We will be offering live broadcast coverage via Voodoo Amps Facebook page & a list of scheduled broadcast times will be posted shortly. We are officially debuting (2) new amp models, the Richard Fortus 'R4-Single' & the new 'Mid-Drive' model as well as our 1x12” Iso-Cabs & a new 2x12” cabinet design along with our standard 4x12” Series! - Stay tuned for sneak-previews shortly! Please help us spread the word to your friends & especially dealers in your area to help bring Voodoo to your town! We truly THANK YOU for your support & we very much look forward to bring you the best tone & feel possible!

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Mod Pricing & Specs - As used by; Billy F. Gibbons - ZZ Top, Brad Whitford - Aerosmith, Keith Urban - Country Legend, Barry Stock - Three Days Grace, Vivian Campbell - Def Leppard / Whitesnake / Dio / Riverdogs, Phil Collen of Def Leppard, Jason Hook - 5 Finger Death Punch / Alice Cooper, Neal Schon - Journey, Michael Wilton - Queensryche, Robby Lochner - Jack Russle's Great White, Chris Traynor - Bush / Gavin Rossdale, Jay Jesse Johnson - Solo Artist / Arcangle, Jeff Stinco - Simple Plan, Brook St James - Tyketto / Steve Augeri (Journey) / Yellow Brick Road, Billy Corgan - Smashing Pumpkins, Steve Senes - Solo ArtistGuitarist, Mike Kerr - Solo Guitarist, J. Mascis - Dinosaur Jr & so many other great Voodoo Supporters! If you've read this far, we want to thank you THANK YOU for supporting us & please know that we greatly appreciate it! As always please feel free to share or send this link to a friend!

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We're extremely proud & deeply honored to have been a part of the AC/DC guitar tones on this tour! It's been hard to find good live recordings but this is a great tune & props to the entire AC/DC crew, you guys rock! If you are looking for the same tone please call (607-256-0465) or email us


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Joe Perry’s Live Rig – Here’s a quick pic of amps we’ve worked on that are in Joe’s live rig on the current Hollywood Vampires tour. Amp on the left is the amp used on the marking of Aerosmith’s ‘Pump’ record ($395 for the Mod), amp on the right is 1 of 3 Super PA amps we over hauled-&-Modified for Aerosmith’s world tour last year. Both amps contain Master Volumes among other Mods.


Joe Perry Modded Tone Bender Pedal – Here’s a quick pic taken on stage of a Tone Bender Replica pedal that Trace had Modded several years back. Joe is using it in his live rig again on the Hollywood Vampires Tour. - “I used to Mod pedals many years ago & only do so on very rare occasions these days. I reviewed my original Mod Notes & it was given to us because it would squeal uncontrollably when turned on making it unusable. It was all hand wired with (3) germanium transistors. I was given car blanch so I voiced it to a schematic I had made of the best sounding Tone Bender pedal that I’d worked on years prior. I wasn't keen on the type of caps used so I changed all the cap types & tweaked the circuit so all the gain was usable. It came out sounding great & cuts through the mix extremely well.” Feel free to share as you like & send this link to a friend!

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Hittin' the road with the 'Hollywood Vampires' today to work on some amps for Joe Perry & Johnny Depp, back in the shop tomorrow! Click for more info & tour dates


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Here's a quick pic of a Platinum Modded HG-Jose Mod on a Marshall Reissue 1959 Plexi. This Mod features a Footswitchable 'Solo Boost' Master Volume, Voodoo's Tube Buffered FX-Loop, 3-Position Bright Switch, a full Retube with ARS-EL34-JJ's & a CapJob with F&T Filter Caps. Thanks for reading & feel free to share this post to your own wall or tag a friend in this post! - Voodoo Amps

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Rare inside view of Guns N Roses guitarist Richard Fortus’ Voodoo ‘R4-Single’ Prototype. Check out the tone on GnR's current 2016 ‘Not In This Lift Time’ Tour! 


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Here’s a quick pic of some Marshall JMP-1 preamps in for servicing. These units belong to Phil Collen of Def Leppard & came in for some TLC, Capjob, Retubes & new Batteries (to retain settings) as well as to make all the units sound as cohesive as possible with one another. These units are headed out on Def Leppard’s 2016 Summer Tour with Tesla & Reo Speedwagon!  

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This amp has been around the globe numerous times since its birth in 2007 with such Artists as Guns N’ Roses, Thin Lizzy & The Dead Daisies. This was built for & is owned by Richard Fortus & has been dubbed the ‘R4-Single’ Prototype. It's been featured on the studio recordings such as ‘Chinese Democracy’ by GnR, The Dead Daisies album 'Revolución' & the live performance of Thin Lizzy at Hellfest featured on the Palladia / MTV Live Channel. The amp came in for some TLC, has been Recapped, Retubed & is ready for another decade of service!

Some History & More - This amp was Custom Built for Richard in 2007 & housed in a Voodoo Amps V-Rock 100 watt chassis. There is a special mojo to this amp both in how it sounds as much as how it feels, so much so that we are officially releasing the ‘R4-Single’ as a production model as this years Summer Namm Show in Nashville TN. It will come with a Tube Buffered FX-Loop, a switch to select between 50 & 100 watt, Control features will be Gain-A, Gain-B, Master Volume, Bass, Mids, Treble, Presence, Tubes are EL34’s & 12AX7’s along with Voodoo-Designed™ Mercury Magnetics Transformers (as shown here) . Factory Direct sales are no more, all production models will be sold through dealers only!

Thanks for reading & feel free to share this post to your own wall or tag a friend in this post! - Voodoo Amps


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Behind The Scenes & More! - Here's a photo collage posted by "Rigs Of The Pros' (great site) featuring several photos of Richard Fortus' rig. The timing is ironic as we have this amp in the shop being serviced for the (hopeful) up coming Guns N' Roses tour. This amp was custom built for Richard in 2007 & has a great story behind it (coming soon). The white box you see on the pedal board with the Circle-V logo is the 1 of 3 prototype Talkboxes Trace designed. Initially he designed this after hand-wiring a couple Framptone Talkboxes for Bon Jovi & making them full range. He texted a quick video demo to Richard & he asked us to build one for him. Richard has the 1st prototype, Joe Perry of Aerosmith has the 2nd & both currently tour with them. The 3rd one resides in Trace’s office here at our facility & is identical to the one in the photo. We plan to officially release both the ‘R4-Single’ Signature Series Amp & the Talkbox at Summer Namm in Nashville!

From Trace Davis, President / Founder  “From the bottom of my heart I want to thank Richard Fortus for his continued support & for his friendship. He is one of the greatest guys I know & his talent is seemingly endless, truly.”

We also want to send out a big thank you to ‘Rigs Of The Pros’ for posting this photo collage & go check out their site as well! As always please feel free to share this post to your wall or if you have a friend that you want to see this please feel free to tag their name in a post or share it to their wall. Many thanks! - Voodoo Amps

Updated Info (03-17-2016) -- We have received a number of requests asking for additional info on the Talkboxes. This is from Trace, “Traditionally Talkboxes were connected or sandwiched between the head & speaker cabinet, which is what was used on all the classic records you hear on Classic Rock Radio (Frampton, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Alice In Chains, etc). In recent years companies designed a wave of ‘pedal’ like versions, which have an onboard solid state preamp & are placed in front of the amps like a pedal would be. Common complaints are that these units do not sound as authentic. The ‘Golden Throat’ is considered by many to be the best sounding Talkbox but has long since been discontinued & sells for good money when you find a working unit as they are collectible.

Full Range – Traditional Talkboxes on the market utilize a crossover network which is essentially designed to select a certain frequency point & 'roll off' all frequencies from that point & below (IE: roll off all the lower mid & bass frequencies). It allows companies to use drivers with lower wattage ratings, which is more cost effective but it also results in a thinner or more strident tone. Going with a higher wattage driver, as well as making a few other allocations in the circuit, allows one to forego the crossover approach in favor of a full-range tone. IE: you get all of the amp’s tone & rich low end coming through, or in other words you get the same tone coming through the Talkbox that comes through the speaker cabinet, which is more inspiring.

A Full Range Talkbox is a very cool effect & much like a wah it all comes down to how the player chooses to use it. For those who are not familiar I should mention that a mic is needed to amplify the signal to the PA & monitors. There is a video with Richard Fortus in the recording studio with The Dead Daisies using a Talkbox & its best captured on their song “You & I”. We also have replaceable mouth pieces so that dealers can allow customers to demo a Talkbox in the store & not break any health code regulations. Additional mouth pieces will be included in a sealed package when purchasing a Talkbox along with simple instructions on how to sterilize them, which is incredibly easy.”  - Voodoo Amps

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