Allman Betts Band – Just returned from being on the road with these amazing musicians! Fixed some amps on site & had a blast hanging with everyone. If you are a fan of the Allman Brothers Band & other bluesy styles you have to see these guys live! Many thanks to everyone in the band & crew! Back to soldering we go. Feel free to share as you like & do a kindness for someone along the way. – Trace Davis, President / Founder
#allmanbettsband #devonallman #duanebetts #johnnystachela #allmanbrothers #allmanbrothersband #blues #bluesguitar #slideguitar #
Back in the Shop from Nashville - We traveled to Nashville to work with Australian based band Airbourne in the legendary RCA Recording Studio A where they are currently recording their next record with producer Dave Cobb. We brought several amps with us & worked on several other amps. Having been present for some writing & arranging as well as having heard a track that they cut while playing live off the studio floor, I have to say that tones were nothing short of amazing!
I would like to send out a special thanks to band & all involved; Joel O'Keeffe (guitarist, singer), Harri Harrison (guitarist), Ryan O'Keeffe (drums), Justin Street (bassist), Dave Cobb (Producer), Toby Hulbert (engineer), Colin Lot (Assistance Engineer), Gregg Donovan & Don Friedricksen. It was great to see & be involved in such a strong & positive work ethic!
A very special thanks to those who were kind enough to meet with us, have lunch or dinner with us or coffee; David Graef, Scott Appleton, Aidan Mullen, Steve Burdick, Steve Davis, Jimmy Freck & Matt at Metal Road Cases, all at Artisan Guitars in Franklin TN, Carters Vintage Music, Vintage King, Rumble Seat Music, British Audio Service & Music, Sweetwater Music & Michelangelo's Restaurant in Cleveland.
Thanks so very much & back to soldering I go! Don't forget to do a kindness for someone along the way & feel free to share as you like.
- Trace Davis, President / Founder
#airbourne #rcastudios #voodooamps #tracedavis #davecobb #nashville #cartersvintage #vintageking #rumbleseatmusic #artisanguitars
Hittin’ the road to Nashville & working in RCA Studio A for a few days. To all my friends in Nashville, let’s get together if you’re in town. Back in the shop on the 28th.
#nashville #makingmusic #voodooamps #tracedavis
Joe Perry of Aerosmith's 2019 Live Rig! See Details Below --- Towards the end of January I traveled to Aerosmith's rehearsal complex in Boston MA to get Joe's Live Rig ready for 2019. The rig photo was taken during the Super Bowl show they played. We have more behind the scenes photos we took as I was working on the rig & we'll post those shortly. Below are the details on the amps & most of the gear we worked on;
1 - Voodoo Custom Modified Marshall Super PA Amp designed to match Joe's playing style with Voodoo Post Phase Inverter Master Volume.
2 & 3 - Voodoo Custom Modified Fender Dual Showman Head designed to match Joe's playing style with Voodoo Post Phase Inverter Master Volume.
4 - Voodoo Amps Custom 'JP30' - Joe has always loved the sound of a Vox AC30 2x12 mixed with older Marshalls but the AC30's could not keep up with the 100 watt Marshalls. Using a V-Plex chassis & panel set we custom designed a circuit to simulate the tone of an AC30 complete with Voodoo Designed Mercury Magnetics Transformers complete & (4) EL34 power tubes to provide 100 watts. His tech placed the yellow sticker "30" under the V-Plex logo.
5 - Voodoo Amps Hand-Wired V-Plex 100 Watt with Post Phase Inverter Master Volume with EL34's. This is an older V-Plex, which is easy to spot as given the Gold Circle-V emblem, Gold knobs & the gold etched metal panels.
6 - Voodoo Amps 4x12" Speaker Cabinet with matching Gold metal Circle-V emblem. This cabinet is loaded with Celestion G12H-55 30 watt Heritage Greenbacks & wired to 16ohms. Note - Other speaker cabinets have an X-Pattern of Alnico Creambacks & Alnico Golds. Others have original vintage Greenbacks.
7 - Voodoo Custom Modified Marshall 1959. This amp was in rough shape when we first received it as it had been badly Modified several times. We stripped the amp & installed a hand-wired board & with a Custom Circuit designed for Joe's playing style.
Special thanks to Joe Perry, Joe's Guitar Tech Marco Moir, Johnny B, Bobby Schneck, Greg Howard & crew! Photo credit to Marco Moir
"If you have any questions or comments please feel free to list them below & I will respond as time allows. As always please feel free to share as you like & don't forget to do a kindness for someone along the way today." - Trace Davis, President / Founder - Voodoo Amps
#joeperry #joeperryliverig2019 #aerosmith #voodooamps #voodooampsmods #tracedavis
Please helps us welcome the amazing Frank Hannon of Tesla to the Voodoo Family. Please feel free to share with friends & don't forget to do a kindness for someone along the way today - Trace Davis, President / Founder

#frankhannon #tesla #frankhannonmod #voodooamps #voodooampsmods #voodooamps
Trace Davis Interview! - "This is the 1st audio interview I've done in several years & we covered a great deal including how I got started, life on the road, my design philosophies, amps, life & so much more." The interview is approximately 1.5 hours long so grab a coffee or beverage of choice & let us know what you think! Special thanks to Larry Milburn of Roadie Free Radio!
Direct Link
Sound Cloud
#tracedavis #tracedavisinterview #voodooamps #voodoomods
Regarding Joe Perry – Many are asking & wondering about Joe’s recent hospitalization while guesting with Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden. Joe has been reported to be responsive & we would kindly ask that you please join us in sending continued prayers & positive energy to Joe & his family at this time. Thank you, Trace Davis, President / Founder

#joeperry #aerosmith #voodooamps #tracedavis
A quick pic of Mike Piera of ‘Analog Man’ Effect Pedals & I - My travels recently took me to CT where I was fortunate enough to be invited to visit Analog Man’s facility. Mike & I got started in the business around the same. We have run in the same circles but this was the first time we were able to meet in person.
Aside from seeing all the great products Mike has designed he also an amazing collection of vintage pedals & amps. If you are a tone geek & fortunate enough to get a tour make sure you check them out.
Mike, it was great to meet a fellow tone hound & talk tone. There’s not many I get to talk with on that level & it was a blast! A big thanks to you & your staff for the amazing hospitality! - Trace Davis, Founder / President Voodoo Amps.
#analogman #mikepiera #voodooamps #tracedavis

We would like to honor the incredible men & women who responded & those who assisted during 9/11 as well the events that followed. Let us remember those lost their lives as well as those who lost friends & family members. Please do a kindness for someone along the way today. - Trace Davis, President / Founder
